Thursday, April 29, 2010

бог не фраер

For the past few days an old Russian proverb has been rattling around in my head. In the "old country" we used to say "бог не фраер" meaning "God is no showoff"(literal translation). The context is something along the lines of "God is watching so eventually everyone gets what they deserve".
Let me bring to your attention example A.
This morning, whilst assimilating another heap of stupidity from "Good Day LA", I couldn't help but revamp the old proverb in my head,. As i watched Barbera Boxer spill her fill of poppycock about how she is the right candidate for the job of governor because she wants to "cut spending" and "create jobs", I tried to stay calm and drink my coffee...
I mean, in my mind I was yelping "Wow! Really Barb? Is that what you're going to do? What a new and exciting concept! Because I thought that what we need to do is increase spending and destroy jobs?!", But on the outside, I tried to stay reserved.
Sorry folks, I know I shouldn't get so fired up about yet another career bureaucrat citing their standard political bullcrap lexicon handbook but I just can't shake the feeling of utter disgust with Soviet style Progressives such as Barbera Boxer. It's like she's fresh from the floor of the Politburo circa 1965.
Just when i thought, in the words of Popeye, "That's all I can stans and i can't stans no more", someone asked about... Shhhh!.. The Tea Party... Oy Vey. Steve Edwards! ! I still can't believe that you brought this up! Aren't you aware that the Administration's "general propaganda policy on this issue is "discredit this movement by calling it nonsense and extremism and hope it goes away"?
Well, Boxer had a prepared (pardon the cheese) verbal rope-a-dope for that question as well. As Boxer yapped some malarkey about how she also supports fiscal discipline and carries a copy of the constitution in her pocket, the feed broke, leaving a frozen, dimwitted image of Barb in mid-kvetch.
Well, isn't it ironic, don't you think?..
Now let me bring your attention to example B.
The Census.
Aah, yes, good old census. An official registration of the number of the people, the value of their estates, and other general statistics of a country. And what better opportunity for the progressives to redistrict the country by adding illegal population to the census count. And why not? It's common knowledge that illegals, in majority, support the left. It's not like the right is going to support giving amnesty to illegal foreign nationals any time soon. Well, I guess it's a bit ironic that the census count is so low for the 5 main states struggling with illegal immigration (including California), that they're on the verge of loosing seats. I guess the same ignorant and nonchalant attitude that most illegals today have toward the Naturalization policies of this country , worked against the Progressives and their agenda in this instance. Many a-time have I heard the excuse "Well, they stay illegal because they need to be under the radar so that they don't get deported." But that argument seems frivolous when you take in the fact that there hasn't been one case of people being deported while trying to become Naturalized and go through the system properly. Well, I suppose the progressives didn't gather that the illegals would also want to stay under the radar for the census. Whoops! Maybe ignorance isn't always bliss.
I can go on all day, but the lesson is this: every time I hear some new progressive socialist agenda that makes me want to tear my hair out, I must remember the proverb. it reminds me to have faith in the fact that God is fair and sooner or later things work out right. Some times sooner then later, some times... Well, you know what I'm saying. God is no showoff.

But then, some times, things need a bit of a proverbial "kick in the ass" to jump start the whole machine of real change. Hence the need for the Tea Party.

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