Saturday, May 1, 2010

A day without illegal foreign nationals

May 1st is a date with many meanings.... Obviously, the beginning of the month of May... To the Celts it meant the end of the winter... To the Soviets it meant "Communist Labor Day"... And in 2006 this day became yet another 'historical" date. I speak of none other then "The Day Without Immigrants". Yet another homage to ignorance and disrespect that has been shown towards our country and it's laws, by the illegals.
"Organizers say the goal of today's "Day Without Immigrants" is to show the role immigrants play in the nation's economy -- both in keeping it going by providing inexpensive labor and in contributing to it with the money they spend in this country. The Pew Hispanic Center study estimates there are about 12 million "unauthorized migrants" working in the United States, which is almost five percent of the civilian labor force.", says Laura Marquez of ABC news in an article published on 5/1/06.
Wow... Where do I start?.. A day without an immigrant? Really? Try, a day without an illegal foreign national. Better yet, try : a day without illegal Mexican foreign nationals. There it is in a nutshell. Folks, I am. once again appalled at the way this issue has been treated by the Latino immigrant community. For some reason, it is OK to be an ignorant racist when it comes to modern day immigration issues. Being an immigrant myself, I was taken back by the sheer audacity of a "celebration" such as this. Once again, the true colors of the illegal immigration lobby come out to shine. And these are the colors of ignorance. I'm an immigrant and I don't support this stupidity! How much of a pompous moron do you have to be to not see a problem with the fact that the "immigrants" in this instance are nothing but a swarm of illegal Latino foreign nationals? These people are so egotistic that they feel that the Latino immigrants are the only worthy immigrant group since they feel that it's OK to speak for all immigrants. People, who by a large part sneak into this country illegally, avoid and disrespect the law, never pay taxes, don't want to learn English and for the most part don't do anything to become Naturalized and legal citizens of the US
I'm sorry, but it's my strong belief that it must be an immigrants top prerogative to assimilate into the culture they live in now. And yes, there is a way to do that without loosing your heritage. If you are really immigrating, you must embrace your new home or else why did you come here in the first place? and the "it's so hard to become a citizen" excuse is washed out. There are countless opportunities for people to become legalized. From immigration lawyers to visa raffles, the possibilities for Naturalization are a plenty.
Well, I guess there's something about May 1st that rings in the minds of the Latino community. Maybe it's the whole Communist influence that was brought there in the 1930 by Trotsky and later by such 'heroes" as Che and Fidel Castro.
Just as I thought this issue couldn't become any more of a pathetic circus, today more protests "swept" the nation in opposition to the Arizona law. And you know what? I am appalled as well. I am appalled that there actually had to be a legislation passed that made it a law to enforce another legislation. I'm appalled that that pathetic joke for a Mexican President, Felipe Calderon actually had the frijoles to come out and speak out against a law that had to be put in place because of his inexcusable lack of action to quell this problem and the pathetic state of Mexico's affairs that brought on this issue in the first place. Or should we be reminded that up until very recently, Mexican law carried a 10 year mandatory sentence for any illegal immigrants? That is immigrants who are in Mexico illegally.
So i have an idea. Since boycotts are becoming so popular (eg. the boycotts proposed against Arizona) I call for a boycott of Mexico. And we should continue this boycott until President Felipe is held responsible for the raging drug cartels in his country, responsible for countless murders of Americans as well as his own citizens on both sides of the border. And all of us immigrants who feel that illegal immigration is unacceptable and insulting to the country you immigrate to should let it be known to the illegal immigration lobby in the Latino community that we do not stand with them and find their actions disrespectful to this country.