Friday, October 9, 2009

Not Another Nobel Peace Prize

A great honor has been bestowed on our Messiah today. Obama has joined the likes of Michail Gorbachev and Yassar Arafat in the annals of Nobel this morning. As some of us may have heard over the wire, the Stockholm based Nobel Committee, has awarded Obama with the Nobel Peace Prize for "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples." And of course, after the historic, rhetoric UN summit, Obama is well deserving of the prize, especially since the Nobel committee recognized Obama's efforts to solve complex global problems including working toward a world free of nuclear weapons. The "hope" is that the selection would be viewed as "support and a commitment for Obama.", said Aagot Valle, a lawmaker for the Socialist Left party who joined the committee this year.
Now some would call this situation pathetic, since Obama was nominated for the prize, amongst over 200 other applicants(the most ever) back on February 1, not even two weeks after he took office. Some would say that the committee has become a mockery of itself, since it is now filled with a bunch of bias Socialists and has made a joke out of the Nobel Prize in the past decade by awarding a PEACE prize to a man (Arafat) who invented airplane hijacking and a former Soviet dictator(Gorbachev). Not to mention Algore for his never ending efforts in pursuing a junk science and to Carter for being a senile liberal douche.
Now, I might have become too cynical in my ladder years, but any time a socialist talks about peace and nuclear disarmament, it makes me want to gag. Why, you ask? Well, growing up in the USSR, mainly under the Socialist reign of a former Nobel Peace Prize winner, I can't help but recall the "we're for peace" and "no nukes" B.S. that was force fed to us on a daily basis by the Soviet propaganda machine. Socialists and Communists always seem to be all for peace. It's just that their definition of peace is a bit different from us, the un-indoctrinated.
Well, I can go on about how pathetic it is that the Nobel Committee has become so obvious in their bias toward frenzy boasted popularity of a man who hasn't done the things he was awarded for, when selected or ever. Or the fact that a peace prize has been awarded(in the past decade) to people who's names are synonymous with war, oppression, terrorism and conjured, alarmist lies. But I won't. I'll just agree with Obama when he says "I don't feel that I deserve to be in the company of so many of the transformative figures who have been honored by this prize"

All I have to say to this is, it was one of my childhood dreams to win the Nobel Peace Prize. Instead, I'd rather ACTUALLY DO something noble for peace.